Does Thai Basil Make Good Pesto? Here’s What You Need To Know

Are you looking for a delicious and unique pesto recipe? Have you ever considered using Thai basil? With its unique flavor and health benefits, this type of basil can make a delicious pesto that is sure to be a hit.

In this article, you will learn what Thai basil is, what it tastes like, and the benefits of using it in pesto.

We will also cover how to incorporate it into pesto, common dishes to use it in, and recipe ideas for Thai basil pesto.

Finally, we will discuss substitutes for Thai basil pesto in case you are unable to find it.

Read on to learn more!

Short Answer

Yes, Thai basil makes a great pesto! It has a strong anise flavor that pairs nicely with garlic and cheese, and its leaves are tender enough to make a smooth sauce.

If you want a more intense flavor, use a combination of Thai and Italian basil.

To make a Thai basil pesto, simply blend Thai basil leaves, garlic, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, and pine nuts until you reach your desired consistency.


What is Thai Basil?

Thai basil is an herb native to Southeast Asia, and is a popular ingredient in Thai cuisine.

It has a sweet, anise-like flavor, making it distinct from the more common sweet basil.

Thai basil has a slightly stronger flavor and aroma than standard basil, which makes it a great addition to dishes that need a bit of a boost.

The leaves of Thai basil are elongated and serrated, and the stems can be slightly hairy.

The flavor of Thai basil pairs especially well with garlic, chilies, and fish sauce.

In terms of nutrition, Thai basil is rich in vitamins A, C, K, and E, as well as calcium and magnesium.

It also contains a number of antioxidants, which can help to protect cells from damage.

Additionally, the herb is a good source of dietary fiber, which helps to promote digestion and keep you feeling full longer.

Thai basil can be used in a variety of dishes, from curries to stir-fries to salads.

It can also be used to make pesto, an Italian sauce made with basil, garlic, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese.

This herb is a great choice for pesto, as its unique flavor adds a delicious depth to the dish.

What Does Thai Basil Taste Like?

Thai basil is a unique type of basil that has a distinct sweet and licorice-like flavor.

This flavor is more subtle than that of Italian basil, making it an ideal choice for those who want more subtle flavor in their dishes.

It’s also stronger than other types of basil, making it a great addition to dishes that need a stronger flavor.

The aroma of Thai basil is also quite different from other types of basil, with a hint of sweetness and spice.

Thai basil is a popular ingredient in Thai cuisine, but can also be used in other dishes.

It is often used as a garnish, but can also be used to make flavorful sauces, marinades, and pesto.

The versatility of Thai basil makes it an ideal ingredient for creating interesting dishes with a unique twist.

When it comes to making pesto, Thai basil can be a great option.

It provides a unique flavor and can really add to the dish.

The sweet and spicy flavor of Thai basil can really stand out in a pesto and bring out the flavor of other ingredients.

Additionally, the unique aroma of Thai basil will help to make the dish more fragrant and aromatic.

Benefits of Using Thai Basil in Pesto

Using Thai basil in pesto offers a range of benefits.

For starters, Thai basil has a unique flavor that is sweet and licorice-like.

This flavor profile can add an interesting and unique twist to a traditional pesto recipe that might not otherwise be present.

Additionally, Thai basil has a strong aroma that can be used to enhance the overall flavor of the dish.

Another benefit of using Thai basil in pesto is that it is incredibly versatile.

Thai basil can be easily incorporated into a pesto recipe without the need for extensive modifications.

This makes it a great option for those looking to try something new, without having to completely reinvent their pesto recipe.

Finally, Thai basil is a popular ingredient in Thai cuisine and can be used in a variety of dishes.

This means that if youre looking for a way to add some extra flavor to a dish, Thai basil is a great option.

Not only can it add flavor, but it can also add a unique twist to a dish.

And because it is so versatile, it can be used in a variety of ways.

How to Incorporate Thai Basil in Pesto

Making pesto using Thai basil is a great way to add a unique and delicious flavor to your dish.

To incorporate Thai basil into pesto, you’ll first need to prepare the herb.

Thai basil should be finely chopped before being added to the pesto.

This will help to release its flavor and aroma into the dish.

You can also use a food processor to get the consistency you desire.

Once you’ve prepared the Thai basil, you can start adding it to the pesto.

Start by adding a small amount of the chopped Thai basil to the mixture and then increase the amount as desired.

You can also add other herbs and spices to the pesto, such as oregano, garlic, and red pepper flakes.

This will help to create a flavor profile that is unique to your dish.

When it comes to the actual pesto recipe, you can make the traditional version with olive oil, garlic, and Parmesan cheese, or you can get creative and add in some additional ingredients.

For example, you can add some almond or walnuts for a nutty flavor, or some sun-dried tomatoes for a bit of sweetness.

You can also add some vegan cheese or nutritional yeast to make the pesto vegan-friendly.

Once you’ve added all the ingredients, blend them until you’ve reached a smooth and creamy consistency.

With these tips, you’ll be able to create a delicious and unique pesto recipe using Thai basil.

Not only is this herb a great way to add flavor to your dish, but it is also a healthy and nutritious ingredient.

So get creative and experiment with different flavors and ingredients when making your Thai basil pesto!

Common Dishes to Use Thai Basil Pesto In

Thai basil pesto is a delicious and versatile condiment. It can be used to add an exotic flavor to many dishes. From pasta to pizza, Thai basil pesto can be a great addition to your meal. Here are some of the most popular dishes you can use Thai basil pesto in:

– Pasta: Whether you use it as a sauce or as a topping, Thai basil pesto is a great way to add a burst of flavor to your favorite pasta dish. Try it in place of traditional pesto or combine it with other herbs and spices for a unique twist on the classics.

– Pizza: If you’re looking for a way to add some extra flavor to your homemade pizza, Thai basil pesto is a great option. Slather it on your crust and top with your favorite toppings for a delicious pizza that everyone will love.

– Salads: If you’re looking for a way to add some extra flavor to your salads, Thai basil pesto is a great option. Toss it with your favorite greens and vegetables for a delicious and nutritious meal.

– Sandwiches: Thai basil pesto can be a great addition to any sandwich. Spread it on your favorite bread and top with your favorite deli meats and cheeses for a delicious lunch.

– Soups: Thai basil pesto is a great way to add some extra flavor to your favorite soups. Add a dollop to your favorite soup for a delicious and nutritious meal.

– Stir-fries: Adding a bit of Thai basil pesto to your stir-fries can add an exotic flavor. Combine it with your favorite vegetables and proteins for a delicious and nutritious meal.

No matter what dish you’re making, Thai basil pesto is a great way to add some extra flavor and nutrition.

With its unique flavor and versatility, it’s a great choice for those looking for something different.

Recipe Ideas for Thai Basil Pesto

When it comes to making Thai basil pesto, the possibilities are endless.

Not only does Thai basil offer a unique flavor profile, but it also adds a beautiful, vibrant color to any dish.

From traditional pesto recipes to creative takes on classic dishes, Thai basil pesto can be used in a variety of dishes.

For a traditional pesto, you can try combining Thai basil with your favorite nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

You can also add Parmesan cheese, garlic, and lemon juice to give it a true Italian flavor.

This pesto can be used as a condiment for pasta, a dip for bread, or a topping for pizzas.

For a more creative take on Thai basil pesto, why not try adding it to your favorite soup or salad? Thai basil pesto can be added to a vegetable soup to give it an extra flavor kick, or added to a salad dressing for a unique twist.

You can also use the pesto as a topping for fish dishes, or as a marinade for grilled meats.

Finally, Thai basil pesto can be used in a variety of desserts.

Try adding a dollop of pesto to ice cream, using it as a topping for cakes and pies, or adding it to a smoothie for a sweet and savory treat.

However you choose to use it, Thai basil pesto is sure to be a hit!

Substitutes for Thai Basil Pesto

When it comes to making pesto, Thai basil is a great option due to its unique flavor and versatility, but there are also other herbs and ingredients that can be used as substitutes.

Some of the most popular substitutes for Thai basil pesto are traditional basil, cilantro, arugula, and parsley.

Each of these herbs and greens offer different flavors that can still provide a unique twist to your pesto.

Traditional basil, also known as sweet basil, is a popular choice for pesto and is the most comparable to Thai basil in terms of flavor.

Cilantro has a more pungent flavor and is often used in Mexican and Asian cuisines.

Arugula adds a hint of bitterness to the pesto and also provides a nice color contrast.

Finally, parsley has a milder flavor than the other options and adds a bit of freshness to the dish.

When using a substitute for Thai basil pesto, its important to adjust the amount of the other ingredients in the recipe to account for the different flavors.

For example, if youre using arugula instead of Thai basil, you may want to use a bit more cheese and oil in the pesto to balance out the bitterness of the arugula.

Additionally, its important to note that the strength of flavor can vary based on the type of basil, so you may need to adjust the amount of basil in the recipe accordingly.

In conclusion, Thai basil makes a great choice for pesto, but there are also other herbs and ingredients that can be used as substitutes.

Traditional basil, cilantro, arugula, and parsley are all popular options and each offers a unique flavor that can be used to create a delicious dish.

When substituting one of these herbs for Thai basil, its important to adjust the amount of the other ingredients in the recipe to account for the different flavors.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Thai basil is an excellent choice for making pesto and can provide a unique and flavorful twist to a classic dish.

With its sweet and licorice-like flavor, Thai basil can add a delightful depth of flavor to any pesto recipe.

Try incorporating Thai basil into your next pesto dish and see how it enhances your favorite recipes!

Peter Kirsch

Peter is an avid gardener and herbalist. He loves learning about the healing and medicinal properties of herbs and enjoys writing about them. He’s been passionate about herbs since he was a child and has learned a lot about them over the years. He’s written several articles for various publications, all about herbs and their uses. He’s also spoken at several conferences and workshops about the topic.

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