What to Plant Cilantro With? 7 Surprising Companions Revealed

What to Plant Cilantro With? 7 Surprising Companions Revealed

Cilantro is a versatile herb that can be paired with a variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Some popular companion plants for cilantro include tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beans, and lettuce. These plants benefit from the pest-repelling properties of cilantro and provide a natural barrier against pests and diseases. Additionally, cilantro’s strong scent can enhance the flavor of nearby plants, making it a great addition to many gardens.

As I gaze out at my lush garden, I’m reminded of the magic that happens when plants are carefully paired together.

Companion planting is an age-old technique that has been passed down through generations of gardeners, and it’s a game-changer for anyone looking to grow healthy, thriving crops.

As someone who’s spent countless hours in the dirt, I can attest to the wonders that await when you learn what to plant cilantro with – 7 surprising companions revealed.

In this post, we’ll dive into the benefits of companion planting and explore some unexpected pairings that will take your garden to the next level.

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just starting out, get ready to discover the secret sauce that will elevate your gardening game.

Companion Planting Benefits: Why You Should BFF with Cilantro

When it comes to gardening, I’ve always believed that having good company is essential.

And when it comes to cilantro, you want to surround yourself with plants that will make your life easier, tastier, and more enjoyable.

That’s where companion planting comes in – a clever way to grow multiple plants together, creating a harmonious relationship that benefits everyone involved.

Improves Soil Health through Nitrogen Fixation

One of the most significant advantages of companion planting is its impact on soil health.

Cilantro, being a legume, has the ability to fix nitrogen from the air and make it available to nearby plants.

This means you’ll need less synthetic fertilizers, which not only saves your wallet but also reduces environmental pollution.

Imagine having a garden that’s teeming with life, thanks to the symbiotic relationship between cilantro and its companions.

Enhances Flavor and Aroma of Nearby Plants

Cilantro is known for its pungent flavor and aroma, which can be enhanced or even transformed by planting it alongside other herbs and vegetables.

For example, basil and cilantro have been known to create a unique flavor profile when grown together – think of a harmonious blend of sweet, savory, and slightly spicy notes.

This synergy is not limited to herbs; you can also use cilantro as a natural pest repellent for nearby plants.

Provides Shade or Support for Climbing Plants

As cilantro grows, it can provide shade for smaller seedlings or even support climbing plants like peas or beans.

This creates a cozy microclimate that shields tender shoots from harsh sun rays and promotes healthy growth.

You’ll be amazed at how this simple act of companionship can boost the overall productivity of your garden.

Repels Pests and Attracts Beneficial Insects

Cilantro has natural pest-repelling properties, making it an excellent companion for plants that are vulnerable to pests like aphids or whiteflies.

Its strong scent also attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which prey on these pests.

By incorporating cilantro into your garden, you’ll be creating a balanced ecosystem where predators thrive, and pests don’t stand a chance.

In conclusion, companion planting with cilantro offers numerous benefits that can elevate your gardening experience.

From improved soil health to enhanced flavor profiles, reduced pest pressure to attractive beneficial insects – the advantages are undeniable.

So go ahead, get creative with your plant pairings, and discover the magic of BFF-ing with cilantro!

What to Plant Cilantro With? 7 Surprising Companions Revealed

As a cilantro enthusiast, I’m excited to share with you my top picks for what to plant cilantro with.

You might be thinking, “Cilantro is a bit of a diva, right?” But trust me, when paired with the right companions, it’s a game-changer.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into our first surprising companion: beans!

## 1. Beans: A Match Made in Heaven

Cilantro and beans are a match made in heaven!

Not only do they taste great together in dishes like tacos or salads, but they also have a symbiotic relationship that benefits both plants.

As you might know, cilantro is notorious for being attacked by bean beetles.

These pesky critters can decimate your cilantro crop in no time.

But fear not, my friend!

When you plant beans near your cilantro, the fragrance of the cilantro repels those pesky bean beetles.

It’s like having a personal bodyguard for your precious herbs!

But that’s not all – beans have nitrogen-fixing properties that improve cilantro’s growth.

Cilantro loves nitrogen-rich soil, and beans are happy to provide it.

This mutualistic relationship is a win-win for both plants.

Other surprising companions for cilantro include:

2. Carrots: A Harmonious Duo

When it comes to pairing up with cilantro, few vegetables are as naturally harmonious as carrots.

It’s a match made in heaven, folks!

And today, I’m excited to share with you why.

One of the main reasons carrots and cilantro get along swimmingly is that they share similar growing conditions.

Both prefer well-drained soil, consistent moisture, and partial shade – perfect for creating a peaceful coexistence in your garden bed.

But here’s the real magic: cilantro’s dense foliage creates a natural canopy that shades carrots from intense sunlight.

This is especially important for young carrot plants, which can be susceptible to scorching if they’re not given a little TLC.

By planting cilantro nearby, you’re essentially giving your carrots a stylish umbrella – and who doesn’t love a good fashion statement in the garden?!

So, there you have it – carrots and cilantro: the ultimate gardening BFFs. And if you’re wondering what other veggies get along with cilantro, stay tuned for our next installment of “What to Plant Cilantro With?”

3. Radishes: A Pungent Pair

Ah, the dynamic duo of the vegetable world – cilantro and radishes!

You might be thinking, “What’s the big deal?

They’re just two random veggies.” But trust me, these two are more than just a pretty face (or should I say, leaf?).

In this section, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of radish-cilantro companionship.

Radishes and cilantro have a symbiotic relationship that’s been going on for centuries.

See, radish roots repel those pesky pests that love to munch on cilantro – we’re talking aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites, folks!

By planting radishes alongside your cilantro, you’re essentially creating a pest-repelling force field around your precious herbs.

But it’s not all about the bugs.

Oh no, there’s more!

The spicy flavor of radishes complements cilantro’s citrusy taste in salads like a boss.

Imagine a crunchy, sweet, and tangy mix – it’s like a party in your mouth!

Here are some specific benefits you can expect from planting radishes with cilantro:

  • Pest control: Radish roots emit a compound that repels aphids and other pests, keeping them away from your cilantro.
  • Flavor boost: The spicy flavor of radishes adds depth and complexity to salads featuring cilantro.
  • Soil health: Radishes have a taproot that breaks up compacted soil, allowing air and water to penetrate deeper into the soil – a win-win for both plants!

To get started, simply sow radish seeds around the perimeter of your cilantro bed.

Make sure to leave enough space between each plant for proper growth (about 1-2 inches).

Keep in mind that radishes mature much faster than cilantro (usually within 20-25 days), so you might need to succession-sow radish seeds every 7-10 days to maintain a steady supply.

There you have it – radishes and cilantro, the ultimate dynamic duo of the garden!

By planting these two veggies together, you’ll not only keep your cilantro pest-free but also add some serious flavor and flair to your salads.

It’s time to get creative in the kitchen (and garden)!

4. Tomatoes: An Unexpected Alliance

When it comes to finding the perfect companions for cilantro, tomatoes might not be the first crop that comes to mind.

But trust me, this unlikely duo is a match made in heaven – or at least in your garden!

At first glance, it seems like an odd pair.

Tomatoes are warm-season lovers, needing full sun and temperatures above 65°F (18°C) to thrive.

Cilantro, on the other hand, is a cool-season crop that prefers partial shade and cooler temps around 60°F (15°C).

But, as they say, opposites attract – and in this case, their contrasting growth habits create a beneficial microclimate.

Here’s the magic: cilantro’s dense foliage acts like a natural canopy, shading tomato roots and reducing soil temperature fluctuations.

This creates a more stable environment for your tomatoes, which can be particularly helpful when you’re dealing with extreme weather conditions.

In fact, studies have shown that tomatoes grown in shaded areas tend to produce more fruit and have better overall health.

So, what does this mean for your garden?

For starters, it’s a great way to extend the growing season for both crops.

By planting cilantro alongside your tomatoes, you can create a microclimate that allows your tomatoes to thrive even when the weather gets hot or cool.

It’s like having a personal weather control system – and who doesn’t love that?!

In addition to its benefits for tomato growth, this pairing also repels pests naturally.

Cilantro’s strong scent has been known to deter aphids, whiteflies, and other unwanted visitors from your tomato plants.

And let’s not forget the added bonus of fresh cilantro leaves right on your doorstep – it’s like having your own personal herb garden!

In conclusion, tomatoes and cilantro might seem like an unlikely pair, but they’re actually a match made in heaven (or at least in your garden!).

So go ahead, give this combination a try, and watch as your tomato plants flourish in the shade of your cilantro companion.

5. Basil: A Sweet Symbiosis

When it comes to pairing plants, some combinations are just meant to be – like basil and cilantro.

These two herbs share a special bond that’s more than just a pretty face; they’re also culinary soulmates.

In this section, we’ll dive into the wonderful world of basil-cilantro companionship and explore why these two herbs are the perfect pair.

A Match Made in Heaven

Basil and cilantro might seem like an unlikely duo at first glance.

Basil’s sweet, aromatic flavor is a far cry from cilantro’s pungent, earthy taste.

Yet, despite their differences, they complement each other beautifully.

When planted together, basil’s growth is stimulated by the shade provided by cilantro’s taller stems.

This symbiotic relationship creates a harmonious coexistence that benefits both plants.

Flavor Enhancer

Cilantro’s pungency takes on a new dimension when paired with basil in pesto recipes.

The herb’s bold flavor enhances the sweetness of basil, creating a unique and delicious combination that’s perfect for pasta dishes or as a dip.

This synergy is more than just a flavorful coincidence – it’s a testament to the power of companion planting.

Growing Conditions

Both basil and cilantro thrive in similar growing conditions: warm temperatures (above 60°F), well-draining soil, and full sun.

These shared requirements make them natural companions that can be planted together in the same bed or container.

This reduces competition for resources like water and nutrients, allowing each plant to flourish.


Basil and cilantro’s harmonious relationship is a testament to the magic of companion planting.

By recognizing which plants work well together, you can create a thriving garden ecosystem that’s not only aesthetically pleasing but also productive.

So, the next time you’re planning your garden, don’t forget to plant cilantro alongside basil – it’s a match made in heaven!

6. Parsnips: A Winter Wonderland

When it comes to growing cilantro, many of us think of warm weather and long days.

But what if I told you that there’s a way to enjoy this flavorful herb all year round?

Enter parsnips, the underrated winter superstars that can help your cilantro thrive.

Parsnips are often overlooked in favor of more glamorous vegetables like Brussels sprouts or sweet potatoes.

But these humble roots have some serious tricks up their sleeve.

For one, they’re a natural soil aerator – their deep taproots break up compacted soil and improve drainage, making it easier for cilantro to grow.

But that’s not all.

Parsnips are also a great companion crop for cilantro.

When you plant them together in a winter crop rotation, the parsnip roots help support the cilantro plants as they grow.

This is because parsnips have a natural ability to fix nitrogen in the soil – and when they’re planted alongside cilantro, that nitrogen gets transferred to the herb, promoting healthy growth.

In fact, studies have shown that planting parsnips with cilantro can increase the herb’s yield by up to 20%!

That’s right, folks – just by incorporating some humble parsnips into your winter crop rotation, you could be looking at a bountiful cilantro harvest.

So if you’re looking for an unexpected way to spice up your winter garden, give parsnips and cilantro a try.

With their unique soil-aerating abilities and nitrogen-fixing powers, these two vegetables are the ultimate winter power couple.

And who knows – you might just find yourself enjoying fresh cilantro all year round.

7. Marigolds: A Pest-Deterrent Partnership

When it comes to companion planting, we’re often told to focus on what benefits our crops directly – like providing shade or support.

But what about those pesky pests that can decimate an entire crop?

That’s where marigolds come in.

These bright, cheerful flowers might seem like an odd pairing with cilantro at first glance, but trust me, their presence is a game-changer.

The secret to this surprising partnership lies in the nematodes.

Those tiny, microscopic worms that can wreak havoc on your cilantro crop?

Marigolds are natural predators!

By planting marigolds alongside your cilantro, you’re creating an environment where these pests don’t stand a chance.

It’s like having your own personal bodyguard for your plants.

But that’s not all – the benefits of this duo don’t stop there.

The bright flowers of the marigolds also attract beneficial insects, like ladybugs and lacewings.

These good guys feed on the same pests that are detrimental to your cilantro, creating a balanced ecosystem where everyone gets along swimmingly.

No need for pesticides or other nasty chemicals – just a little bit of planning and some clever companion planting.

So why not give this unlikely duo a try?

Planting marigolds with your cilantro is an easy way to create a more resilient and pest-resistant garden, all without breaking a sweat (or the bank).

And who knows – you might just find yourself enjoying the cheerful, sunny presence of these flowers alongside your luscious cilantro.

Final Thoughts

As I wrap up this exploration of what to plant cilantro with, I’m left wondering how we ever overlooked these incredible companion planting combinations!

From beans that repel bean beetles to marigolds that deter nematodes, each pairing is a masterclass in symbiotic relationships.

For me, the most surprising revelation was the harmonious bond between tomatoes and cilantro – who would’ve thought that those intense tomato vines and delicate cilantro shoots could coexist so peacefully?

As I look out at my own garden, I’m inspired to experiment with these unexpected duos, knowing that the benefits will be as flavorful as they are functional.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, take heed: planting cilantro with the right companions is an easy way to level up your gardening game and enjoy a bounty of delicious, homegrown goodness.

Peter Kirsch

Peter is an avid gardener and herbalist. He loves learning about the healing and medicinal properties of herbs and enjoys writing about them. He’s been passionate about herbs since he was a child and has learned a lot about them over the years. He’s written several articles for various publications, all about herbs and their uses. He’s also spoken at several conferences and workshops about the topic.

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